About Us
Our Story

YK Pao founded World-Wide Shipping, now known as BW Group

The Pao Sui-Loong Library at Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Xuhui campus

YK Pao writing an inscription for the opening of Ningbo University, which he helped establish.

The signing ceremony of the Sino-British Friendship Scholarship Fund, at Downing Street on June 9, 1986.

The Pao Yue-Kong Library at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Our Foundation’s namesake, YK Pao, was a shipping magnate widely recognized for his dedication to philanthropy and his unofficial diplomacy during China’s re-emergence onto the world stage.
YK Pao based his life on the strong belief that self-discipline, diligence, a healthy mental and physical disposition – through exercise – and lifelong learning help achieve one’s goals. Our work at the YK Pao Education Foundation is guided by Sir YK Pao’s values and legacy.
Hailing from the small city of Ningbo and born during the tumultuous times of the early twentieth century, YK Pao began his career in 1945 as a banker in Shanghai. He became a trader in Hong Kong in 1949, only to transform into a shipowner in the early 1950’s. With a conservative approach to his operation, he was to become the largest private shipowner by the 1970’s and survived the downturns of the 1980’s. Though a self-learned man, his business and political views were global. With great business acumen, he diversified into real estate, airlines, retail and banking.
A well respected figure in the East and the West, he was committed to China’s modernization and to improving the dialogue between China and the rest of the world. Among his many initiatives towards that goal, he conceived the US$50 million Sino-British Friendship Scholarship Scheme, which allowed over 1,600 Chinese students to pursue their graduate studies in the UK from the mid-1980’s to mid-1990’s. Many of these students returned to China and were pivotal to China’s subsequent development.
His commitment to educational philanthropy included the establishment of schools, universities, scholarships and libraries in Hong Kong and mainland China, including Zhejiang University, Ningbo University and the Zhao-Long and YK Pao libraries at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. A strong believer in whole person development, he and his family have also funded arts and recreational institutions such as the Hong Kong Arts Centre and the Pao Yue Kong Swimming Pool complex.
The Foundation was created by YK Pao’s family to continue his unwavering commitment to education through pioneering and innovative schools and programmes.
“Diligence and Modesty are fundamental to educating the next generation”, written by YK Pao in 1988.